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More than half of all divorces in California are completed by spouses ‘In Pro Per’ who represent themselves in their own divorce proceeding.  If your divorce is uncontested, or if your spouse will accept a default in the action, you can keep your costs very low by representing yourself.  In many cases a final divorce judgment may be obtained without requiring either party to make a Court appearance.  If you and your spouse are in agreement on settlement terms, your divorce can be finalized without using costly, and adversarial, opposing attorneys. 


We offer customized divorce packages either with or without a written agreement to settle all issues of the marriage.  The decision to add a written agreement is entirely up to you and your spouse; however, in divorces in which real property or minor children are involved, a written agreement is recommended. 


If you or your spouse has a Pension Plan, we can prepare a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) to settle the terms of the Pension Plan through your divorce.


California has a residency requirement of six months in the state and three months in the county for filing a divorce petition.  If you don't know where your spouse is, we can do a 'divorce by publication'.  Please contact us for a free consultation and price quote based on your marital situation. 

Support & Custody

If you are divorced or legally separated, or have filed these papers with the court, and have minor children (18 years of age or younger) requiring child support, custody and visitation, we can prepare the legal documents for you.  If you want to modify the child support or custody that you have now, we can prepare the proper court documents.  These are an Order to Show Cause, Temporary Orders, or a Notice of Motion, depending on your specific situation.  If you have been served with these papers, and you want to file a Response, we can prepare the appropriate documents. 

We use only court-approved support calculation programs to calculate child and spousal support.  If your case is with the Department of Child Support Services, we reference that fact in the papers that are prepared.  Please contact us so we can review your current situation and your requirements, and quote our fee to customize and create these documents.

Legal Separation

Legal Separation allows a couple to remain legally married, but to separate all financial aspects of their marriage, including the community assets and debts.  If there are minor children, issues of child custody and child support are also decided.  A Legal Separation may be appropriate for spouses who are contemplating divorce, but one spouse is reluctant to give up medical or other benefits that the other spouse may be able to provide through his or her job.  Or, a Legal Separation may be appropriate due to religious or other reasons. 

However, if later a divorce is requested by either spouse, a new court filing must be done, and court fees paid again.  California does not impose any length of residency requirement prior to filing for Legal Separation.  When you are legally separated, you remain a married person.  Your property, your assets, and your debts are legally separated from your spouse's property, assets and debts. 

Joinders & QDROS

If you or your spouse have a pension or retirement plan, and you agree to split the plan through divorce, we can add the required Joinder and QDRO (Qualified Domestic Relations Order) to your divorce papers.  

Marital Agreements

Marital Agreements are used to set out agreements between spouses for issues ranging from property and debt division to custodial and parenting issues.  These can be done prior to marriage, while married, or when divorcing.  They are legally binding and enforceable, either as a Court Order or as a matter of law.  Each agreement is customized to meet your needs.

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12301 W. Pico Blvd, PH13

Los Angeles, CA 90064

Ph: 408.892.4613

Fx: 800.886.0846


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